It is not too late to join the U.Lab Leading From the Emerging Future course for changemakers — either online or in person at ten Impact Hubs around the world. The Presencing Institute and the Impact Hub Global Network have teamed up to offer an introduction to the Theory U leadership approach: an MIT-developed method for catalyzing multi-level change in business, government and civil society sectors around the world.
And while the 13-week course began in September, it is still possible to catch up on the course online and take part in live group sessions and meetups in Impact Hubs worldwide.
European changemakers can join sessions at Impact Hubs in Madrid, Geneva, London (Islington), Donostia, Budapest, Milan, and Zurich. For those in Asia or the Americas, live courses are also taking place in Taipei; Boulder, Colorado, USA; and Oaxaca, Mexico.
The perfect environment to connect with other changemakers.
Connect and learn with like-minded leaders and entrepreneurs in the live U.Lab sessions, and then use your Impact Hub meeting space to prototype and develop your new ideas.
Connect and learn with like-minded leaders and entrepreneurs in the live U.Lab sessions, and then use your Impact Hub meeting space to prototype and develop your new ideas.
Your first U.Lab session is free and if you would like to continue working with your fellow participants — and a locally-rooted, globally connected community of changemakers — you can do so by becoming a member of your local Impact Hub. This gives you:
* An introduction to the entrepreneurs, changemakers, and regional stakeholders in your local impact ecosystem, all of whom are working to create a world that works for everyone.
* A hosted environment that will support your journey through U.Lab by offering a beautiful meeting space, community and the connections to bring the course and your ideas to life.
* Impact Hub membership benefits: Join a global community of 16,000+ members, visit and work at other Impact Hubs, and become a part of our movement for positive social impact.
Still curious about how the course works?
Even if you cannot make it to an Impact Hub for the live events, you can take the next step towards Leading From the Emerging Future by joining the MOOC online at
For those interested in the live U.Lab journey to leading profound change, please contact your nearest participating Impact Hub for the course schedule and more details:
Madrid | [email protected] |
Boulder | [email protected] |
Oaxaca | [email protected] |
Geneva | [email protected] |
Islington | [email protected] |
Donostia | [email protected] |
Taipei | [email protected] |
Budapest | [email protected] |
Milan | [email protected] |
Zurich | hello@michela-gü |