Operated under the logic of take-make-waste, our current system is unsustainable as it is. According to the World Bank, 2.01 billion tonnes of municipal solid waste is annually generated around the globe, from which at least 33% is mismanaged through open dumping or burning. If we don’t drastically change our consumption habits, the horrifying forecast is for an increase to 3.40 billion tonnes in waste generation in less than thirty years.
Aiming at addressing this global challenge and all its subsequent consequences for people and the planet, the Circular Economy (CE) came to exist as an alternative model to the linear economy. Its chore message is to encourage “sharing, leasing, reusing, repairing, refurbishing and recycling existing materials and products as long as possible” (European Parliament), extending their life value and reducing waste to a minimum.
At Impact Hub Global Network, we believe in the power of circularity to create a more sustainable present and future. That’s why we are currently on a mission to mainstream circular principles across our global network. For our third story of the Circularity Tales series, which is showcasing great examples from entrepreneurs taking action on the theme, we interviewed Wenceslaus Soka, Chief Operating Officer of PREYO CO. LTD, a venture that provides a new life to plastic waste in Dar er Salaam, Tanzania. Check it out: