June 5th is World Environment Day, kickstarting this month with a worldwide initiative to raise awareness and encourage action around taking better care of our planet.
Since it began in 1974, World Environment Day encourages awareness and action for the protection of our environment, and is now celebrated in over 100 countries. Every year the campaign focuses on whichever issue is most pressing to the world, and it won’t come as a surprise to many that this year’s theme is beating plastic pollution.
Did you know?
These troubling statistics are not news to Impact Hub members, 86% of whom tackle social and/or environmental issues through their entrepreneurship. And as always, we’re focusing on what’s being done to create a better future.
We want to celebrate the work that’s being done to make this world a more sustainable place, for everyone and everything in it. So this month, from how big companies can really be ethical to everyday objects you didn’t know were made from plastic waste, we’ll be putting innovative solutions under the spotlight.
Stay tuned!