Impact Hub’s Global Impact Report pulls together data and stories from around the world to illustrate the massive effect individual social entrepreneurs are having on the ground.
April 24, 2018, Vienna, Austria
How does change actually happen at a global scale? According to Impact Hub’s Global Impact Report 2018 , it starts at the local level, with social entrepreneurs who are tackling the world’s biggest problems. Social entrepreneurs like Sidiki Sow of Protera Farms, who is developing edible insects as feed for livestock at Impact Hub Bamako in his native Mali. Or Corinna Grace, the co-founder of Seres based at Impact Hub Antigua, which helps young people in Guatemala get an education and develop their technical skills in order to not only get ahead, but also pass it on to their communities.
In addition to inspiring stories of entrepreneurs who are doing well while doing good, the report includes valuable insights from Impact Hub’s more than 10 years of building communities for impact around the world and five years of gathering data about it — insights that other organizations and groups can learn from on their own work with social enterprises. The report also features a section specifically on the support needs of social entrepreneurs, offering a detailed outline of exactly what these organizations need to grow and thrive, and inviting other people and organizations to contribute to scaling impact.
“It is possible to create impact at scale without losing local context through standardization by ensuring that local roots remain present at all levels,” Impact Hub Global Executive Director Gabriela Gandel says. “Moreover, you need a backbone organization that focuses on the curation of innovation, the hosting of connections, and catalytic opportunities for all. However, this does not have to be always centralised but rather collectively coordinated to allow for leadership from the network. And thirdly, it is essential to find common impact issues that bring together various network entities and external partners to make a bigger, bolder difference.”
However, Impact Hub isn’t just expecting that the Global Impact Report will inspire and guide other social entrepreneurs, networks, and organisations as they move forward. They are also applying the lessons outlined in the report across their 100+ locations strong network. Moving forward, Impact Hub will focus on mobilizing and connecting communities for global action; accelerating translocal collaboration on key issues of which many are related to the United Nations’ Sustainable Development Goals; and shaping the support infrastructure to prototype the future of business and society.
But in order to achieve these big goals and drive solutions to some of the world’s most pressing issues, it takes strong collaborations across players and sectors, which is why the report strongly calls for partners to create impact at scale.
People and organizations interested in collaborating with the Impact Hub community can learn more in specific sections of the Global Impact Report or visit the nearest local Impact Hub .
About Impact Hub:
Impact Hub is a global network focused on building communities for impact at scale. With 100+ communities of 16,000+ change-driven entrepreneurs in more than 50 countries across five continents, Impact Hub is the world’s largest community and accelerator for positive change.
Impact Hub supports building ecosystems to drive collaboration and entrepreneurial innovation around the Global Sustainable Development Goals through locally rooted Impact Hubs, as well as partners and allied networks.
Press contact:
Flora Rosenow
Brand and Communications Manager [email protected]
Edilaine de Abreu Communications Lead [email protected]