The NESI Forum Comes To Málaga In April 2019
Among many other wise quotes, Albert Einstein left us a clear message: “Insanity is doing the same thing over and over again and expecting different results”.
After ten years since the beginning of the economic crisis, many people continue to bet on the current economic model: a model that is based on hyper-consumerism and chain production, in which people and the planet are considered “externalities”.
If Einstein analyzed the situation, he would invite many people, rightly, to treat his madness.
The New Economy
Fortunately many people around the world are demonstrating that we can evolve and transform how we manage our communities, our cities, our society. In short, transform the economy.
We are witnessing the birth of the so-called new economies. Thousands of people, companies, organizations and cities are joining the circular economy, collaborative economy, maker movement, economies of the common good, the social, purpose, cities in transition, banking with values and collaborative finance – and the list goes on.
What do all these models have in common? In the NESI Forum held for the first time in 2017 more than 700 representatives of these models agreed that: “The new economy will be at the service of people and the planet.”
This simple statement supposes a radical proposal of systemic change. Its application at the level of public policies, business strategies and personal lifestyles would change everything. Only through this change of vision can we be optimistic in the face of challenges such as the Sustainable Development Goals (SDGs) or the Climate Change Agenda.
What is the NESI Forum?
After an extremely inspiring first edition in 2017, the New Economy and Social Innovation Global Forum (NESI) returns to Málaga, Spain for its second edition from the 24th to 26th April 2019, focusing on how to achieve our global goals through local action.
Food sovereignty, housing and urbanism, and sustainable textiles are the main themes which will be explored by participants over the three days, and in parallel, three important transversal themes; the future of work, the future of energy and the future of finance.
Participants will interact throughout the conference: it’s all about connectivity, collaboration and action! In fact, this year, over 50 key contributors will be spending little time on stage/lecturing and will be interacting with the various track work groups, allowing for powerful conversations and first-hand exchange of ideas to build meaningful actions.
What does it have to do with Impact Hub?
As connector of connectors, Impact Hub will take part as contributor for the second time and members from different Impact Hubs around the world will go to Málaga to attend the event. In addition, Tatiana Glad, Founder and Director of Impact Hub Amsterdam, will talk about about how to accelerate the transition towards a new economy at the service of people and the planet, promoting collaboration with movements and alliances that promote change.
For individual changemakers and organizations alike, we believe that NESI is a great opportunity to combine synergies and agents around key issues to promote a more sustainable future, through the different proposals that the new economies include.
Whether you are a corporation, a business, a cooperative, an association or an individual, the conference will be an opportunity to surf the wave of economic change and be part of defining the social strategies for the coming years.
What can you expect this year?
NESI brings together the global key players working on economic system change and social innovation. It is an opportunity for global players to meet local changemakers and citizens, for influencers to meet investors, businesses to meet cooperatives, administrations to meet the people, and most importantly: it’s an opportunity for alliances to be strengthened and created.
No human gathering can be memorable without exciting the spirit and feeding the soul, so for that, the conference will conclude with the fiiS 2019, Festival Internacional de Innovación Social, with numerous music bands and speakers who will connect mind and soul in creative new ways, promising to be, both personally and collectively, transformational.
Find out more and purchase your ticket here.
Written by:
Sacha Bernal. Kimiya Tactics. NESI Content Facilitator
Diego Isabel. NESI Forum Founder
NESI2019 is a reality thanks to the collaboration and alliance of over 50 public and private, global and local organizations from across the world. We look forward to seeing you in NESI!
* What will you find at the NESI Global Forum? · 2019
* Documental Ciudad 2030 · New Economy and Climate Change (in Spanish) (24 min)